Friday, July 31, 2009

Tips to organizing the life (For the betterment of it)

~ 12 Great tips to Organize your life and make your success ~

1) Notables: Keep a small notebook and pen handy, wherever you are, to jot down ideas or appointments or things to do instead of trying to remember them later on.

2) Telephonery: Set a time limit to each phone call and make sure you tell your caller. That way you save yourself the stress of trying to end the phone call and it also helps the caller to condense the information they want you to hear.

3) In Waiting: Use waiting time at the dentist, meeting with your boss or while waiting for your roast to cook to catch up on reading or planning, or use the time for tidying up, filing or other tasks.

4) Help Wanted: Be sure to offer praise to a subordinate, co-worker or to a member of the family for any effort you've noticed - they'll be happy to help you when you're bogged down.

5) Don't Put It Off! If you procrastinate, you'll only get stressed out when you think about that hateful "to do" item on your list. You'll blow it out of proportion in your mind and it will become almost impossible to accomplish. Make sure you tackle the largest or most disliked job first, dividing it up into manageable tasks. Then the other jobs will be a breeze!

6) Control Bug: Delegate the tasks you have no time for or team up with someone who can help you. (See tip #4!)

7) Group Effort: Save time and footwork by collecting everything to bring with you to complete errands or to distribute in each room of the house instead of making too many trips. Make a fast list while planning out your route and be sure to plan each stop along the way so you don't have to backtrack and lose time.

8) Schedule Fun Time! Make sure you include some personal time for YOU. Allot some time in your agenda. Make an appointment for yourself and keep it, even if it's only a leisurely 20 minute bubble bath or a 15 minute walk in the fresh spring air!

9) Space Freebies: Go through any old unneeded files to free up space in your filing system.

10) Once and Only Once: Each piece of paper should be handled only once. Read it and file it, redirect it to someone else, schedule it or toss it. Don't add it to an ever-ending pile on your desk in hopes that you'll get to it eventually.

11) Post-Master: Use sticky notes to write errands needed to be done. Stick them to your front door to remind you as you're headed out.

12) Systems Engineer: Too much time is wasted every day on searching for things. Find a system that works for you and your lifestyle and apply it. Use it religiously and you'll find new time slots you never thought you had :)

Microsoft Magic


An Indian found that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the Computer which can be named as 'CON', 'NUL', 'AUX'.

This is something funny and inexplicable... At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened!



For those of you using Windows, do the following:

1.) Open an empty notepad file

2.) Type 'Bush hid the facts' (without the quotes)

3.) Save it as whatever you want.

4.) Close it, and re-open it.

Noticed the weird bug? No one can explain!


Again this is something funny and can't be explained... At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!

It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself...

1.) Open Microsoft Word and type

=rand (200, 99)

And then press ENTER

And see the magic.....!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Accidents can happen at anytime

Harrier aircraft crash due to instability

Helicopter crashing while landing on naval helipad...

More true stories are on da way...

emp netbots (if you're going thru hell keep going...)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why we should do LEARNING...

Learning gives you the opportunity to know around you...
Knowing around you let you gain the control of the environment around you...
Which enables your BRAIN to sit on a chair and command the REST of the world...
Thatz WHY TOP chairs are difficult to gain, but easy to live with... :)

TOP 10 Reasons why EDU. is Important

Public education is a worthy investment for public funds. We can invest now, or we can pay later.

2. Children are our nation's future. Their development affects all of us. Good education is not cheap, but ignorance costs far more.

3. The cost of dropouts affects us all. This nation loses more than $240 billion per year in earnings and taxes that dropouts would have generated over their lifetimes. Well-supported public schools can engage all students in learning and graduate productive and competent citizens.

4. The nation pays a high price for poorly educated workers. When retraining and remediation are needed to prepare a worker to do even simple tasks, the cost is paid by both employers and consumers. This process raises the price of American products and makes it more difficult for this nation to compete in the world marketplace.

5. More than 95 percent of our future jobs will require at least a high school education. There is no question about the need for an educated work force.

6. "Education is the best provision for old age"-- Aristotle. The future support of our aging population depends on strong public schools. In 1954, there were 17 workers to pay the Social Security cost for each retiree. By 1995, there will be only three for each retiree. It is likely that the productivity of these three workers per retiree will depend on the strength of our public school systems.

7. Public schools foster interactions and understanding among people of different ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

8. Public schools are the only schools that must meet the needs of all students. They do not turn children or families away. Public schools serve children with physical, emotional, and mental disabilities, those who are extremely gifted and those who are learning challenged, right along with children without special needs.

9. Education reduces costs to taxpayers. For every dollar spent to keep a child in school, the future costs of welfare, prison, and intervention services are reduced. It can cost less to educate a child now than to support a teenage parent or a repeat offender in the future. Education monies help to secure the future of all citizens.

10. An educated population is the cornerstone of democracy. This nation's well-being depends on the decisions of its educated, informed citizens.

from the Illinois Coalition for Public Education, June 1994.